Many would say that the entertainment industry today could be likened to a desert: dry, full of hot air, and lacking the elements necessary to inspire or sustain anything that resembles “growth”. A time where the songs on the radio sound so similar that you can only identify the song’s end by commercial breaks.
During these perilous droughts of talent and originality, it is refreshing to know that there is an oasis; one that offers waves of new talent to wash out the Industry’s propensity to duplicate what’s already hot. An oasis who feels that it is necessary to keep entertainment moving in a “progressive” direction for the sake of saving and educating the youth. An oasis who accredits his vision and longevity to God, his family, humility, and the profound quality of being “fair”. This oasis is no other than, Bo “The Bodacious One” Sampson.
Coming out of Bowie State University with a degree in Business Management, Mr. Sampson’s humble beginning starts with a chance meeting of a gentleman who worked with James Brown, Millie Jackson, and the Sugar Hill Gang (to name a few). This person was no other than the late Ron Early. Mr. Early offered Bo a piece of advice that served to be the wind in his sails: “You got to hang around it to get in it [the entertainment business].” Obviously this piece of advice was constructive; because Bo has been in the business since 1988.
Bo started searching for odd jobs to get into the business; something that no one else in the business was doing. His tenacious efforts – not to mention his networking at a Jonathan Butler album release party – led him to an internship with EMI Records.
After the internship with EMI Records, Bo started working records in the clubs, which resulted in him being hired by Luke Records; owned by the notorious Luther Campbell. Not only did Mr. Sampson work Luke’s first project in Baltimore, Washington, and Virginia, but he also worked one of 2 Live Crew’s biggest hits on radio.
Soon after, Mr. Sampson was hired by Baltimore-based Great Buy Distributor as a promoter for their entire catalog. He promoted the insanely popular “Electric Slide” record at radio. To say that this song became an “enormous” hit is an understatement. You can’t go to a wedding or family reunion without hearing it! Within this 6-month stint, he also worked with Kid-N-Play, Ice Cube, and Chubb Rock. At this juncture, it is safe to say that if you’ve heard it, then Bo probably touched it.
Working with Renee Givens in Marketing for 2 years as an unofficial member of the MCA Records Team, Bo starting feeling a little discouraged as it related to his career progression, and was on the verge of throwing in the towel. However, Bo’s obstinate faith in God proved rewarding. Ms. Givens, who worked as the head of Marketing, was promoted to Product Manager of the company in New York, and Bo was awarded her previous job. Mr. Sampson was now “officially” working for the hottest company in the world in 1990! Bo modestly states that this is where his journey began. Most would beg to differ. It appears that this brotha has been on his way since leaving Bowie State!
A year later, and after creating an extremely successful event called MCA Moonlight Boat Cruise on the Potomac that thoroughly impressed the President of MCA Records Urban Division, Bo became the Mid-Atlantic Regional Promoter for MCA Records. In fact, this event was so big that the President of MCA Records Urban Division surprises Bo by hiring him on the spot!!! At this time, the label had heavy-hitters like Mary J. Blige, New Edition, Heavy D, and Patti Labelle to name a few.
Mr. Sampson states, “I thank God every day for giving me the opportunity to work for a company that had so many superstars and [allowed me to] contribute to their careers.” Bo worked with MCA Records from 1990 to 1997, in which he had the added pleasures of working with Debbie Allen, Bobby Brown, B.B. King, Chante Moore, and Gladys Knight. Whew!!! Don’t you feel like you already know Bo?
And the legacy continues. Bo Sampson started his company, Bodacious One, in 1997, bearing the responsibilities of Promoter, Manager, Producer, and Consultant. One of the most recent and notable events spawned by his company is Showtime in the City; a show which focuses on showcasing and acknowledging the untapped talent in the D.C. area.
When asked about the future of Bodacious One, Bo responds by saying, “Bodacious One will be a multi-million dollar entertainment company that focuses on keeping God first, being fair, and finding the best talent in the world for Film, Television, and Music.” Aaahhhh!! Finally, an oasis of purity you can drink from that offers something fresh, tasty, invigorating, and most importantly, REAL!!! Be prepared to have your thirst quenched!!
There are many individuals in the Entertainment industry that can claim and attest to achieving “quantities” in their careers, but very few can admit to having “quality.” Bo Sampson is of that few. If you’re an appreciator of raw, real talent, and relish the times when “originality” and “artistry” were the harbingers of a “true” entertainer, then Bo Sampson is the man that you need to be on the look-out for. Because simply put, “Bo knows!!”